After I left the Park Service, a relative of mine did some investigating. Turns out eight generations back on my mom’s side of the family tree we find Jonathan Parker of Sussex County Delaware. He joined the Continental Army in 1776 and served until 1778. The Delaware Regiment became part of the Maryland Line and during the Valley Forge encampment were stationed in Wilmington Delaware.
In May 1778 the Maryland Line marched to Valley Forge as General Washington was massing his forces. Although their time at Valley Forge was limited, they definitely benefited from the new training of General Steuben.
Shelly did this painting of me as a tribute to my ancestor “Jonathan Parker.” An interesting fact — Jonathan with his brother moved their families to the Colony of Georgia at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. I’ve had the opportunity to visit Jonathan’s grave site which is located less than 2 hours from my hometown of Mobile, Alabama. ©