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Troy and Shelly Louise Shirley
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A Sampling of Available Story Journeys
The Glue that Held the Army Together (General George Washington)
The American Revolution was a long ordeal. Few commanders could have held an army together in the face of all of the incredible difficulties. Yet, General Washington commanded the respect and esteem of his troops and together they accomplished the seemingly impossible – American Independence.
Congress would recognize Washington’s contribution to the war effort. He was awarded a gold medal for the Continental Army’s repulsion of the British Army from Boston in 1776.
The Best Storyteller in the Army (General Daniel Morgan and His Rifleman Corps)
Daniel Morgan once remarked that he “never feared any other man”. A rough and unhewn personality, Morgan was a favorite of the Continental soldiers around the campfire. His ability to strike a chord within his troops was unparalleled throughout the army. A backwoods frontiersman, Morgan was often in command of elite corps of the Continental Army – riflemen and light troops.
In fact, the first official units of the Continental Army were riflemen. These marksmen came from the frontier regions of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. These hardy, rugged, self-reliant individuals were ready-made soldiers.
General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line
Perhaps no other American field commander was at the center of as much Revolutionary War action as Anthony Wayne. His military exploits during the Revolution ranged from Canada to Georgia. He received numerous battlefield wounds, and there was a wartime saying: “Where Wayne went there was a fight – that was his business.” Despite his well-known misnomer of “Mad Anthony”, Wayne was a careful and prudent officer, and was awarded a gold medal from Congress for the storming of Stony Point in 1779.
The Pennsylvania troops of the Continental Army have been described as independent, stubborn, fierce fighters, officered by men of the same breed. General Wayne states in May of 1778, “the Pennsylvania troops are second to none in the field – they have stepped the first for glory.” During the Revolutionary War, over 15,000 Pennsylvanians served in the Continental Army, and their determination, pride, spirit and military professionalism promoted a winning attitude within the Continental Army.
Determined to Persevere — The Valley Forge Story
There is a prevailing notion that General Washington’s army was downtrodden and demoralized during the Philadelphia Campaign of 1777-78. A close examination of contemporary sources actually reveals a different view. While it is true that during this period Washington’s army did lose two major battles – Brandywine and Germantown -the Continental Army had inflicted considerable damage on the British Army.
By the close of 1777, the Army was faced with another obstacle, the impending winter encampment at Valley Forge. Yet it was this critical period of the war that became the training ground for the Continental Army. By June of 1778, many of Washington’s soldiers were relishing the opportunity to display their newfound military professionalism.