The night was Christmas Eve. As a youngster, she eagerly anticipated the sound of rooftop sleigh bells and reindeer hooves. Shucked corn covered the porch and a plate of freshly baked cookies graced the kitchen table. Colorful crayoned drawings created for Mom and Dad were secretly tucked out of sight. Sleep wouldn’t come easily for…
Story Globes
All stories and paintings copyright by Stories in Paint.
Click through the slideshow above or scroll through the list below.
“Hangs His Hat” — Heading for the Mountains
The young man had a dream . . . . Born and bred to good, honest, hard working folks. He learned by observation. These early ingrained lessons set the course for his life’s journey. The young man listened to wise council and kept his sights set on his goal. Many long hours, additional responsibilities and…
“The Escape” — Music to His Ears
While playing outside with my dog, I caught a quick glimpse of a wild animal scampering across the backyard. My dog’s focus was on the Frisbee in my hand, so I heaved the disc as far as I could in the direction opposite the new visitor. For a brief moment our eyes locked, and then…