“Mending Fences” – Portrait of a Soldier

“Mending Fences” — Portrait of a Soldier
Acrylic on Pastelbord™
16″ H x 12″ W
Copyright Stories in Paint

Not For Sale

My great uncle was a soldier in the First World War. As a youngster, I remember visiting with him and his family. The farm where he lived was close to my grandparents’ farm. Serving in the Army Corps of Engineers, he saw most of his service in France. A native Lancaster County Pennsylvanian, his youthful years as a farm boy exposed him to numerous practical skills which I’m sure were applicable to his soldiering exploits. Handsome, sturdy and steely-eyed, he cut quite a figure in his military regalia. He spent his entire life — excluding his time in France — in Lancaster County.

Deciding to use his likeness as our “Showcase Portrait”, my husband and I went to his gravesite. With camera in hand, we took photos of the pastoral setting of his final resting spot. The background scene was painted from those photographs. With all of the destruction he saw during the War, I thought he would appreciate “Mending Fences” — to all of those he had to tear down so many years ago.

Great Uncle Dave — Rest in Peace.

Thank you for your Service

Your grand niece,
Shelly Louise ©