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A few years back, I challenged myself to complete a painting while only working from my sketches . . . . no photographs allowed. After a long and snowy wintry season, my sketch books overflowed with a wide assortment of my flying feathered friends. The bird feeders placed near the large picture window provided a front row seat for the daily “live” theater. My constant practice of sketching the intimate details of the many different species of visiting birds became An Enjoyable Routine. As this painting gradually came into focus — I settled on three models to bring to life with my paint brushes — a pair of Cardinals and a curious Chickadee. Snipping a branch from a wild multiflora rose bush, this became their perfect perch. Desirous of capturing the essence of my “Thorn Birds,” I spent countless hours preening my models before finally adding my name. If you listen closely, you may be able to discern the distinct calls of my friends as their voices carry across the nearby meadow. I’ve always been very fond of this painting, I hope it brings much joy to your abode. ©
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