This hand-me down creel accompanied my Dad on numerous fishing adventures for over 40 years. No doubt the decades of fishy aroma attracted the investigated skills of this four legged bruin. Blending several photographs, I was able to paint this fanciful scene. I’ve always been interested in challenging myself in my creative pursuits. This venture…
“Weight in Gold” — Golden Retriever Pet Portrait
Belonging to a long-time friend of mine, Oak has been a faithful companion for his family for over 10 years. A great traveling partner, Oak’s journeys are numerous and extensive. This painting was made possible because of a photograph my daughter took some years ago. I always liked the regal persona of Oak’s pose. I…
“Detour” – The Charred Cabin
As we’re making our life journeys, sometimes there are detours put before us. I remember a song by David Wilcox, where he talks about that proverbial fork in the path. When we meet that fork what do we do? We can travel down one of those paths a short distance and keep looking back, ready…