“Old Swords” – 30 Year Reunion

The year was 1813. I vividly remember the recruiting sergeant regaling us with soldier stories extolling the virtues of soldiering. The descriptions of enchanted lands and the thrill of military victories were powerful indeed. All of these stories proved to be true, although most of these were only experienced in fleeting moments. The long fatiguing…

“Knee High to the Grasshoppers” – A Child’s View

Have you ever wondered what a young child sees as they wander through a garden? As we know their eyes and ears are closer to the ground, perhaps they sense things we old folks can’t. I believe the natural world awakens their powers of perception and is an integral component in their development. When I was “Knee High to the…

“The Looking Glass” – Self Portrait

No one at the sale wanted the old mirror. Some said it wouldn’t go with their modern decor, yet for me it was perfect — I had an idea . . . . Every time I gazed into the mirror’s surface, my thoughts would drift to an earlier time — I sorta became mesmerized. I…

“Mending Fences” – Portrait of a Soldier

My great uncle was a soldier in the First World War. As a youngster, I remember visiting with him and his family. The farm where he lived was close to my grandparents’ farm. Serving in the Army Corps of Engineers, he saw most of his service in France. A native Lancaster County Pennsylvanian, his youthful…

“Weight in Gold” — Golden Retriever Pet Portrait

Belonging to a long-time friend of mine, Oak has been a faithful companion for his family for over 10 years. A great traveling partner, Oak’s journeys are numerous and extensive. This painting was made possible because of a photograph my daughter took some years ago. I always liked the regal persona of Oak’s pose. I…